Swine Flu!
Det skrämmer mig när detta mail dimper ner i inkorgen, det är skickat från min counsler
Good Morning Everyone
Please take extra care to wash your hands and your host childrens' hands during this flu crisis. The H1 and 1 Flu (or Swine Flu, as it's known) is very contagious and very serious, esp. in young children. There is no antidote. It is spread by the germs carried in our saliva and mucous which can be invisibly spread through sneezing, coughing, etc. It is essential to be vigilant about hygiene. Use soap, sanitizing wipes and lotion, lots of washing - whatever you need to do. Wipe down counters and kids toys with sanitizing sprays/wipes, esp. before and after playdates. And make sure you cover your mouths and nose. Try to avoid contact with anyone who seems to be getting sick.
I'm not trying to panic anyone. We'll get through this, but we must be careful.
Postat av: raisa
alltså det där är så jävla läskigt! Hör av dig om du vill hitta på något nån kväll. ett tag sedan sist. puss